Temperament Testing
Temperament Testing
Each puppy in a litter has its own personality and therefore has specific needs to a great start with his/her new family. It is about figuring out each pup’s potential and helps match the puppy with the perfect owner. The testing does not state whether the puppy is Good or Bad it just helps to understand the individual needs each puppy has.
The test is not a crystal ball and perfect but it will show the potential each puppy will have and give the new owner the tools to make a great dog.
What it includes
Breeders report (24h after testing)
Individual report for each tested puppy with training tips for the new owner (48h after testing)
Placing recommendation to provided Owner Bio
Initial appointment $129 includes testing for 2 puppies
Any additional puppies are $29 each
Allocating puppies to their new families $59
How does it work
The puppy will be tested for (mostly with APET test)
Biddability (interest in working with the tester)
Sound sensitivity (how does the puppy react to different noises)
Assertiveness - People (reaction to strangers)
Assertiveness – Dog (reaction to a new dog for owners that already have a dog)
Independence test (reaction to being alone)
Following food (is the pup food motivated)
Following toy (does the pup follow a toy)
Retrieving (will pup fetch)
Hand shyness (reaction to petting the top of the head)
Sight sensitivity (reaction to unusual objects)
Who is it for?
People that are looking to buy a new puppy want to ensure they get a good fit for their lifestyle. This is for pet or Therapy dog prospect puppies. NOT for service dogs.
Breeders who want an outside person to test their puppies and allocate them to their new families. This will help the breeder confirm their observations of their litter and show the puppies reaction to a new person. The testing is ideally done when the puppy is 50-55 days old. Puppies up to 12 weeks can be tested with our method
For Therapy dog prospects: (to be done by Michelle only)
Michelle will also test:
Courage (mental strength to overcome a new situation)
Environmental focus (follow-through obstacles)
Learning speed (speed to solve problems)
Patience (waiting during inactivity)
Resilience (time needed to adjust in a stressful situation)
Eye contact